Minimalist Wardrobe

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Downsizing Without the Capsule

I have a minimalist wardrobe. But I never created a capsule wardrobe. Nor do I plan to.

I see them all the time on Pinterest or minimaslist Facebook groups I’m in. And I love them. They’re adorable and super clean looking.

But the truth is that creating a capsule wardrobe for myself wouldn’t be minimal. I’d probably buy things I don’t need to fit into this mold I see.

How I Created a Minimalist Wardrobe

Instead of collecting things for a capsule, I built my “capsule wardrobe” with what I have. I don’t have a color scheme. There’s no theme, aesthetic or style type. Some are fancy. Most are “loungy”.

I like what I like. As I’ve gotten older I’ve let go of the desire to put some kind of label on myself (says the mom who has a minimalist homeschool blog? shrug.) It used to be important for me to find identity with other people.

But now I’m comfortable with my mis-matchy likes. I love sweatpants. Beautiful dresses. I like boho or streamlined or sweaters or jeans and I don’t have to put one label on my overall style.

Pare Down

I’m sure you’re familiar with Marie Kondo. I haven’t read her books or seen her special. I’m just vaguely familiar with her methods from skimming or minimalist circles.

Here’s what was most useful for me. Pull every item of clothing out and put it in one place. Winter clothes, closet clothes, clothes in drawers and hampers. Get it all in one place so you can see it all at once. This was huge for me.

Then go through each item. She suggests you ask if the item sparks joy. This worked for me. I didn’t thank my discarded clothes though. I’m all for gratitude, truly. But there’s a fine line between appreciation for items and materialism, and I don’t really want to give my clothes that much credit.

Ultimately, or ideally, it could all be gone and mentally I should be ok with letting go.

Categorize Your Minimalist Wardrobe

Put all your pants together, all your skirts, shirts, jackets. You get the idea. See how much you have of each item.

Come up with a number for your minimalist wardrobe and aim for it. It doesn’t have to be in stone. Maybe you want to keep fourteen shirts, and if you end up with sixteen you love no biggie.

Go Through Your Wardrobe Regularly

Maybe it’s every six months. Perhaps once a year. Make a rule for yourself. Anything you don’t wear in x amount of time gets minimized.

For example, if I have a skirt that I don’t wear for a year, I feel comfortable getting rid of it.

This isn’t some twenty page list of tips for a minimalist wardrobe. Be practical. Go through what you have. If you downsize and find yourself really wanting to add an essential or additional basic piece, be modest. Give yourself time to ruminate and consider the purchase.


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